Common Factors That Affect Healing

Fueling your body with the nutrients it needs to function properly can help you heal faster.
Most of our patients begin care because they have an ache, pain or some other health issue. Naturally, they want it resolved as quickly as possible.
Ingest a pain reliever and within minutes the drug disperses throughout your body, numbing the symptom. Many of us have grown accustomed to this almost instantaneous result.
Granted, it’s produced by fooling the body so it can’t feel the symptom. The cause is still there. But the annoying symptom is gone.
Chiropractic care works differently.
Instead of suppressing the symptom, chiropractic care looks to reduce nerve interference. Your body is then better able to function as designed and symptoms often lessen.
How long does that take?
Since we’re relying on you and your body’s recuperative ability, it’s difficult to predict. Here are seven of the major factors.
Your Problem – Certain types of health issues resolve more quickly than others. That’s because instead of focusing on the problem in the person, we focus on the person with the problem.
How Long You’ve Had It – Most spinal problems can exist without symptoms for years, even decades. The ache or pain may have shown up last week, but it has been festering for some time. More recent problems tend to resolve faster than long-standing issues.
Your Health – Is your immune system compromised? Do you tend to do a lot of sitting? Are you overweight? Do you get enough restful sleep? Are you a smoker? Those who lack vitality often find it takes longer to recover.
Your Age – The older we are, the slower we heal. In your teens or twenties a little cut on your hand might heal in three or four days. With each passing decade it takes longer and longer.
Your Lifestyle – What are you willing to do (or stop doing!) between visits to give your body the best opportunity to heal? We may suggest changes to your diet, exercises, increased water intake or other home care procedures.
Your Stress Levels – There are three types of stress. Physical stress, such as trauma from a car accident. Chemical stress, such as drugs, alcohol or a poor diet. And emotional stress from worry, depression, anger or fear. Those with a greater stress burden take longer to heal.
Your Attitude – The mind-body connection plays an important role. Take part in your care. Believe we can help you. Want better health. These can speed your recovery. Become invested in your health. Chiropractic care is a partnership.
Your Visit Schedule – Your care plan is designed to produce the best results in the shortest amount of time. Results come from the momentum of regular, periodic visits. Missing a visit can impede your progress.
If you have questions about the speed of your recovery, ask! There’s usually a logical explanation. We may need to revise your care plan or make other changes. Our primary interest is your health and well-being.